As Electronic data interchange (EDI) lowers transaction costs drastically, more and more organizations are using EDI systems. However, EDI does more than only reducing transaction costs – it also supports your business processes. But what are the benefits of using an EDI system? In this blog we highlight the most important improvements an EDI systems brings to your organization.
Reduce errors
By integrating an EDI system into your IT landscape, you can avoid manual processing of business documents. EDI sends transactional data machine to machine, without human interference. This means the exchange of data is much faster. In addition, EDI also ensures that your administrative burden is drastically reduced, and it saves your employees valuable time. Because there is no manual work, errors are prevented and your ERP contains correct data.
Improve your supply chain
EDI enables you to optimize your supply chain as it automates business transactions, speeding up communication and reducing the risk of errors throughout the supply chain. Automating and standardizing processes in your supply chain will result in a faster and more efficient way of working. Moreover, it also leads to faster delivery of goods or services.
Optimize your internal processes
As business transactions are send machine to machine, your digital trading processes are improved. EDI gives you reliable information so you spend less time interpreting your data and enables you make proactive decisions. EDI not only allows you to exchange standard trade messages efficiently, it also gives you more insight into the data that you exchange with your trade partners. This gives you more insight into the production flows and you are able to optimize inventory management and adjust it to customer demands.
Real time insight into your data
When you improved your supply chain and optimized your internal processes, EDI is able to provide you with more and real-time insight into your data which makes it is easier to monitor your activities and the performance of your business. E.g. Information about stocks and deliveries is always available in real time – both inside and outside the organization. This improves (strategic) decision making.
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