PIM Expert’s How To: Flex code lists

You are never too old to learn. In the spirit of that traditional saying, we explore all the functionalities SRC-PIM has to offer in these ‘PIM Expert’ blog series. Our guest bloggers Bastiaan, Emiel, Max, and Patrick take you on a journey through our PIM software, offering tips & tricks to both the novice and expert user. Today, we cover flex code lists.

SRC-PIM has been developed to make it as easy as possible for parties publishing product data to meet the recipient’s requirements for said product data. Often, this means meeting the requirements of GS1 tied to a certain industry in a particular country. To help a user completing an item a number of tools are available in SRC-PIM. Think for example of the validation screen where you are led directly to an attribute that needs to be filled in or corrected.

In addition to publication to a data pool where sector and country requirements apply, SRC-PIM can also be used to feed product information to a specific target system. It goes without saying that the supplied data must meet the exact requirements of that particular target system.

Using a customer-specific data model, the user can be guided through a couple of screens so that the data is entered completely. Code lists ensure that only codes that the target system expects are entered. If the codes in the target system change, the code list in the data model must also be modified.

Depending on the application, it is useful to offer the end-user the possibility to maintain the code list themselves. In SRC-PIM this can be done by using a code list. An example of a flex code list is the screen where publish-to GLN’s can be entered. The user can click on the square button to the right of the GLN drop-down list, shown below in yellow.


A pop-up will appear in which you can scroll through the list of options.

PIM Expert's How To: Flex code lists

The button “Manage values” opens a screen with which codes can be added. It’s also possible for users to add a description to a code. In this case, to a GLN.


If a code is selected, the position of the code in the list can be shifted so that frequently used codes can be placed at the top. In the search screen, there is a button available with which you can download the code list.

With flex code lists, SRC-PIM offers an extensive possibility to add both standard and customer-specific codes to the product data and offers an easy way for the user to maintain the codes. This way, you are sure to always meet the specific product information demanded by your customer.

Still, need some help figuring out flex code lists? Then get in touch with our Helpdesk right now, and they will be happy to help you. You can reach our Helpdesk via customerservice@src.nl or +31(0)229 233 154.