GDSN update
GDS 3.17 and GS1 Food, Health and Beauty
The GS1 Food, Health and Beauty sector (‘Food’) uses attributes that are made available by GDSN. For each release that GDSN puts out, GS1 Food determines which subset of attributes are deemed important for the Food sector. These are then included in the GS1 Benelux Food standard so that customers can use it to exchange data for the Food sector. Within SRC-PIM, this subset of attributes forms the GS1 Benelux view.
GDS release 3.1.7
On November 3, 2018, GDSN will release the latest 3.1.7 standard. This new standard will include various new attributes, mainly concerning Food & Beverage and Healthcare. A new version of the GPC codes, version December 2017, will also become active. A delta document is available (accessible through the links; see zip files) for all the differences regarding GDS and GPC. In addition to that, there are new, altered and removed validations for new as well as existing attributes. These also include validations that are applicable to the Dutch market. At first glance, it doesn’t appear that these validations will cause significant problems (i.e., incomplete articles).
GS1 release for Food
The latest release from GS1 Data Source Food, which goes into effect on November 3, 2018, contains the following changes:
- Adoption of the new Healthcare attributes. GS1 has determined a certain number of attributes that are part of the GDSN 3.1.7 release to be of importance for the Food sector. These have been included in their own sector specifications. Within SRC-PIM, this means that the GS1 Food view has been adapted in order to support this change.
- Coordination between the Netherlands and Belgium with regard to validations. At this time, most of the new validations consist of warnings, which will have minor impact on the existing data. Since May of this year, a shared data model has been available for the L&D sector in the Benelux.