GS1 Benelux L&D and DIY require suppliers to send product images
Since November 1, 2018, GS1 for the food-, pharmacy- and DIY sectors in the Netherlands and Belgilux it is mandatory for suppliers who send out product data to add images of a product as well. In addition to this, new specifications have been established for the registry of images, which will go into effect on January 1, 2020. These are logical steps for GS1 to undertake, because online sales are growing and the importance of good-quality images for extra sales and fewer returned products has increased substantially.
We are unsure whether GS1 will immediately start enforcing the new rules, but it is clear in what direction they are headed – and it is always better to be prepared. For suppliers, this means that product photos must be kept in order and the necessary tools for publishing the public URLs of the images have to be present.
SRC-PIM with integrated DAM-module

It goes without saying that the SRC-PIM system is well-prepared for these measures. Within SRC-PIM, SRC offers an integrated DAM module (Digital Asset Management) that makes it all possible. The SRC-DAM module allows you to manage product images and link them to consumer units efficiently. Images are entered into the DAM with just a few clicks and the system will make sure that the correct GS1 attributes are properly filled out. Just like any other product data, the images can be published to the data pool to ensure that the retailer receives the product data along with the URL to the images, which can be downloaded directly.
Want to know more about the SRC-DAM module? Don’t hesitate to contact us!